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The main goal of K99 is to advocate for Working Breed Dogs in Pet Homes, meeting their needs and training goals.


Working breed dogs need specific training, and we are here to offer that. Too often we see working breed dogs dragging owners on a halti, running off chasing prey, hunting and generally being a nuisance because they've adopted self employed behaviours. At K99 we want to stop that and create peace between owners and their dogs. We want to teach owners about genetic fulfilment, appropriate lifestyles and exercise types. We want to teach owners how food effects behaviour. We want to teach owners how to be the best person in the world to their dogs and provide lifelines for the ones in need. We want to educate owners so they have the skills and knowledge needed to avoid complex behavioural issues arising. We want owners to relax when they leave their dogs knowing their pet is with someone that can not only handle them but also provide them with fun, structure and training. Our speciality and favourite cases to work on are dogs dealing with Self employed behaviours, Aggression, Neurotic Behaviours, Reactivity, or Prey Drive issues. We take on the dogs that other Trainers have deemed untrainable or a lost cause.



Our methodology and training plans are based upon 7+ years of knowledge focusing on canine behaviour, routines, psychology and nutrition. We do not follow a ‘one method fits all’ protocol. We advocate for all the dogs we work with, ensuring all of their needs are met and genetic outlets are fulfilled. Every dog and owner deserve a life of happiness and harmony together. With K99, you will get the help you need to fix your relationship difficulties and confidence with your dog, as-well assistance conditioning your pets desired behaviours through genetic fulfilment, exercise and structured training. All of our clients and dogs become family throughout their journey. Our proven techniques and unique approach have helped pet owners across London, Surrey and Spain. We promise all owners that with our passion, commitment and knowledge; your dogs will never miss out.


We understand that each owner has a different set of requirements for their dogs behaviour, and  feel strongly that dogs shouldn't behave like robots. Therefore, our training focus' on practical obedience whilst we hold strong morals in the expectations of a dog.


'A trained dog is one who is emotionally stable without nuisance or danger towards people, animals or environment'






Home: Welcome

Who we are 

Kim, the founder of K99, found her passion for dogs growing up around German Shepherds and Staffordshire Bull Terriers. A close family friend owned a dog rescue so she was constantly around dogs in need and naturally felt a lot of empathy and care towards them. Rather than seeing friends, she want to be around the dogs.  Eventually, when she turned 13 - she  managed to get a job in a local boarding kennels after lots of persuasion. It was there, where Kim says she learnt that she had a natural talent for reading and understanding dogs.

"I fell in love with helping the 'difficult' ones. The 'unfriendly' ones always took to me"


After a few years, Kim relocated to Tenerife. She started volunteering in one of  Tenerife's Rescue Centres, helping to rehabilitate dogs from serious neglect cases ready to be rehomed. She also started K99 dog walking and sitting at the same time. Whilst taking part in this,  Kim began increasingly aware of the missing education surrounding dogs basic needs and safety on the Island. With that being the case, she began travelling to England to complete her training with Behaviourist Glenn Browne, IMDT and BCCS in Advanced Dog Behaviour and Nutrition. 


Upon Completion of her training,  was when she was able to convert to K99 Dog Training and Walking.


"After many years of training, theory and experience-  I am  now proud of  my ability to offer expert advice and training assistance from my wonderful pack. Whatever help anyone needs, whether it be aggression, prey drive issues,  troubles in the home, manners, pulling on the lead, barking, lunging or reactivity; K99 will be there every step of the way. "





"We are currently offering £50 off your first booking, after completion of your assessment.*


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